Sunday, January 3, 2010

I have a little bit of The Gaelic (but desire more)

Today I attended two services at St Columba, in Glasgow. The first, at 10:00AM was in Gaelic, the second, at 11:00 in English. Following the Gaelic service the woman sitting in front of me introduced herself, speaking in The Gaelic but immediately switched to English when I responded in English. I think I know what she asked me but with no Gaelic speakers where I live my progress in self-teaching is not rapid. Yet, I remain committed to learning. It turned out that she had to learn to speak English having grown up speaking Gaidhlig on Leodhas (Lewis). I was amazed at how easily she and others switched from The Gaelic (of which I understand some, but not a lot) to English. The number of Gaelic speakers is not large and there is effort to keep it alive; I offered to move to Scotland so I can learn it as well.

From there I wandered around Glasgow, down to St Andrew's on the Square, where I hoped to have lunch but the cafe was closed. So, I walked back to the Central Station area where I had lunch. This was the shortest day so far: I left at after 8 and returned at 5ish. There is so much to see, and I have enjoyed tremendously the opportunities I have had to talk to Scots while waiting for a train, visiting them in their homes, or as a result of asking for directions to a destination. Only two more days in Alba. I miss my wife (and The Ghillie) but I will be sad to leave, and hope that God will open doors for us to return, perhaps to live.

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