It turns out that Gram also stopped in Motherwell, and from there took a cab to Coatbridge. I am not sure why this was done; according to online information the Central Station was built early in the 1900s. Regardless, she took a cab from Motherwelll to Coatbridge, where she stayed with Davie on Manse Street(?). On the 23rd she received a letter from Grandpa Lane, which delighted her. Later she walked "downtown" and noted it looked very much the same, except for a movie house, The Odean, (still there) near the fountain.
On the 24th, "on the spur of the moment" she and Ida(?) traveled to Ayr to visit Aunt Mick(?), visited the Burns Cottage, and walk along the shore. Prior to leaving, they went downtown to the "food office" (ration board) to acquire her rations. Apparently she received quite a collection of items and was "very much envied". While visiting, Mary/May?, who was still unmarried and living at home came in from work and exclaimed "oh gings, Susie Bryden".
On the 26th she started out for Butlins Holiday Campand also found Dunduff Farm (now a B&B), which apparently Bob Howland was interested in. Finally, Culzean Castle was a destination but it was too late in the day so they headed back to Coatbridge, arriving at 11PM.
More to come.
Islay Opening Up for Tourists Today
3 years ago